What is the artwork about?
畫畫 然後要畫得非常非常好然後要畫得很很好
The artwork is about mountain climbing.
What can you see in the picture?
爬山 我阿公跟我說的 他以前爬山的故事 所以我就畫了然後後寫了 故事也很精采故事也很精采
My grandfather told me a story of his about mountain climbing, so I drew it and then wrote my story. The story is also very exciting and brilliant. Very good classroom, and then it is possible and can arrange all the homework to finish the class, and then it is very convenient Don't do this for a while.
What was your goal when making this artwork?
可以畫畫厲害 不燃就是可以非常會畫畫非常會畫畫 或是可以在時間內把所有功課做完 然後就可以有自由時間了 不然又要上課補作業 這樣會做不好兒且很煩這樣會做不好兒且很煩
You can draw really well, or you can finish all your homework in time and then you can have free time, otherwise you will have to make up homework in class
How do you want the viewer to feel when they look at your interview, transcript, and artwork?
就是我很認真在話那幅畫就是我很認真在話那幅畫 而且我畫了非常久而且我畫了非常久
That's the painting I'm talking about seriously
What else do you want viewers to know about your artwork?
因為很好聊解所以我可以一百趴聊解 這是我可以一百趴寮姐的原因這是我可以一百趴聊解聊解的原因
Because it's easy to talk, I can talk about it. This is the reason why I can talk about it.